The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on Thursday announced that it has sold 12 of the 14 penthouses in Dwarka that it offered for sale via e-auction. The 14 penthouses come with a hefty reserve price of ₹5 crore — the highest price at which DDA has launched any residential property in the city, officials said.
These penthouses are part of what DDA is billing as a luxury society at Dwarka Sector 19B — around 13km from the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport — which also includes 170 Super HIG flats (reserve price of ₹2.5 crore), and 946 HIG flats (reserve price of ₹1.4 crore).
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The gated society, constructed at a cost of ₹700 crore, comprises of 11 towers with 1,130 flats, and each flat is guaranteed two parking spaces in the basement. The society also has four additional towers with 728 EWS flats, that will be allotted later.
DDA officials said that of the 1,130 flats in the society, 1,005 were sold during the first round of e-auction on February 16 — while Super HIG flats are completely sold out, two penthouses and 123 HIG flats remain unsold, which will be up on offer during the next e-auction on March 5.
Also Read: Realty expert to help DDA review schemes, boost flats sale
“During the auction on February 16, the lowest price that a penthouse was sold for was ₹5.2 crore, while the highest was ₹6.36 crore. On average, the price was ₹5.5 crore. Similarly, the response was very good for the Super HIG flats,” said a DDA official, on condition of anonymity.
The official said that the society’s locational advantage — it has good connectivity and overlooks an upcoming golf course — helped in most flats getting auctioned in the first go.
Also Read: DDA new scheme: 7 penthouses, 138 super HIG flats booked on 1st day in e-auction mode
“This time, the earnest money to be deposited ahead of the e-auction was kept at ₹25 lakh for the penthouses. Also, people had to select and could bid for only the exact flat that they wanted to buy. These steps helped ensure that only the serious and interested buyers applied for the flats,” the official said.
The e-auction on March 5 will also include 132 MIG flats in Dwarka Sector 14, the official said, adding that these 2BHK flats have a reserve price of ₹1 crore.