Contrary to popular narrative, India not urbanising rapidly: OP Mathur | Latest News Delhi

Contrary to popular narrative, India not urbanising rapidly: OP Mathur | Latest News Delhi


From the traditional belief that India lives in villages to the conviction that this is India’s urban century, the country’s idea of socio-economic growth and development has transformed significantly in the last 75 years. To understand the change in narrative and policy response, the processes of the rural-to-urban transition, its pace and measurement, and the challenges and opportunities it creates, Om Prakash Mathur, one of India’s senior-most policy advisors and scholars on urbanisation, spoke to Shivani Singh.

Om Prakash Mathur is Visiting Senior Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) Research Foundation and Senior Fellow, Global Cities Institute, University of Toronto (HT Photo)
Om Prakash Mathur is Visiting Senior Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) Research Foundation and Senior Fellow, Global Cities Institute, University of Toronto (HT Photo)


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